Music Theory Class
CRS Music Theory class is on hold for now.
​Keep the momentum going and encourage one another to take part in this amazing opportunity of learning! If you are interested in participating when class resumes, please contact our instructor Cory Pederson at cory.pederson@columbiariversymphony.org.
The CRS Music Theory Program is a FREE course open to all CRS members regardless of experience with music theory! Lead by Cory Pederson, the program curriculum aligns with first-year college music theory (Diatonic 1). Each participant is provided with a copy of the college textbook Tonal Harmony with an Introduction to Twentieth Century Music.
New CRS members interested in the class are welcomed to join at any time. Participants are encourage (though not required) to help lead weekly technical discussions. Instruments may be required for any incorporated instrumental exercises taught during the class (participants will be notified before the next class.)
"This is definitely an exciting time for musicians along the North Oregon Coast. I do not believe there is another music theory class present in our area, so please consider taking part. If you do not know anything about music theory, no worries, as this class will work for all levels.
Think about this: with understanding the rules of music theory, musicians will be able to learn, perform, sight-read, compose, and enjoy music better." - Cory
We will post a new schedule when classes resume.
Benefits of Music Theory
Here are just a couple links to articles that discuss the benefits of music theory for musicians:
"The Importance of Music Theory" by Eytan Jun
"The Benefits of Learning Music Theory" by the Niagara Conservatory of Music
"The Importance of Learning Music Theory" by the Vault at Music & Arts